
Welcome to my blog! If you are a new visitor, please click here.


Welcome to my blog!

This blog is a place for my writings, which generally will be about my journey into publication, as well as short stories (flashfiction: 1000 words or less), religious meditations, and the occasional rant.

To more easily navigate the page, use the subject keywords found on the side.

If you are here because of Friday Flash, a flashfiction community, most of those posts can be found under "Friday Flash" or "short story."

If you found your way here because of "Meeting God Day By Day" or another religious publication, the "religion" keyword will lead you to the relevant posts.

No matter how you found your way here, please feel free to read a few other posts and comment on them!  Some of the short stories may have adult themes or language, but I steer clear of anything vulgar or graphic.  Later stories will be given a simple rating (E for Everyone, T for Teen, or M for Mature).

I hope you enjoy!